Zack Hall

Rockport, TX, United States

Fish 99.9% inshore, POC, Rockport/Fulton, Baffin, Ingleside. Run a 21’ Shallow Sport, raised center console, with a 200 Suzuki.

Feb 21 at 05:26 PM

Harrison Lee average 2' to 3 1/2'. But as you're aware on the coast that can change quick, but a lot of Estes/RB is going to be in that depth range. Your tides will + or - those numbers also.  

Feb 21 at 03:59 PM

In that area I drift or troll to a pot hole and push it up on plane in the pothole, or I drift or troll to deeper water and push it up on plane. You're gonna  have a little grass kick up from time to time from prop wash, but it's the folks running across the flats with their prop buried in the mud for 300 yards that tear it up. Just be conscious of your depths, your boat's capability, take your time, and you will be fine.  


Jan 18 at 05:57 PM

Fished Baffin this morning. Friend of mine in our group landed this gal. Little under 7lbs according to the Boga. Found them on or near the bottom using soft plastics. Tried the Corky, but the floating grass was ridiculous. Incredible weather today! I refuse to look at the forecast for this coming week.

Dec 12 at 07:08 PM

I like Costa, one of my buddies brother started PBO/Hook and Bullet. PBO/HB are premium sunglasses designed specifically for pretty much everyone on this forum, but they don't have RX lenses yet. Costa does a decent job with prescription lenses, so for now it's Costa. I need to make sure I see that rock in Baffin just at the split second it's too late and I rip the lower unit off. I like to see my insurance claims coming. 🤣


Dec 10 at 08:19 PM

I rinse with salt off on my waders and wading shoes every use and let them air dry. 



Nov 28 at 08:17 AM

Happy Thanksgiving! Tight lines! 


Nov 16 at 04:48 PM

Baffin (Laureles Shorline). Did good on reds. Lots of small trout. Overall great day! Oh the fish pics? Yeah, we suck at taking pics in the water.