Capt Caleb TV

Needville, TX, United States


Feb 21 at 11:14 AM


New feature added!

Feb 19 at 08:43 AM

I’ll still tune the pro series. Only difference is it bends up the insert a little, but I treat them the same.

Feb 19 at 08:40 AM

O’shaughnessy is a style of hook. IE, Rapala Skitterwalks have a #2 O’shaughnessy hook on them. They don’t have a round been on the bottom of the hook, but rather a sharper bend coming back up.

Feb 19 at 08:39 AM

Brass gears over aluminum is another difference

Commented on post was deleted

Jan 22 at 06:21 PM

The voices have spoken

Jan 21 at 04:00 PM

Thanks for the input!



Jan 19 at 04:33 PM

Gonna get a little chilly. If you think there is any chance you have water in your motor, it’s a good idea to trim it wayyyy under, as far as it will, and jack up the front of the trailer. I can always get a little more water out that way!



Jan 11 at 08:07 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

This is going to be a game changer!



Jan 11 at 02:55 PM

Warming trend is upon us!  Personally, I would wait a couple days and let this pressure come down...   If that's a possibility for you, that, and searching the shallows for fish enjoying some sunshine would be my go to for wading.  Trolling, drifting, or poling the flats would be another option!  If you have to go today or tomorrow, the evening bite with the same methods of searching the flats could be a good idea!


Jan 10 at 05:21 PM

This is a heck of a deal and the exact set I’ve worn for a couple years or so! Would call for size availability! Today and tomorrow at Angler’s Anonymous in Katy!