Samuel E. Garcia Jr.


Dec 28 at 08:15 AM

I was clinching my dam checks when I boat flipped this one. I kept repeating Caleb’s instructions “point the rod down, hold the spool”. 28” on da money boga had him at 9 lbs. #headandshoulders

Dec 28 at 08:10 AM



Dec 13 at 06:02 PM

Hell ya!!!! That came quick!!! I was one of three winners on Tuesday’s Live Stream. Look what arrived right on time for some fishing.


Dec 10 at 12:34 PM

Wow. Thats a Biggen. I’m down south (Brownsville) we have Resacas (fresh water pounds). I’ll often times test baits in them every now and again a flathead catfish or carp will hit them. Nothing that dang big though. Maybe I need a hat lol.
