Hello AU members,
As promised, here is my first post to educate members about the science behind fishing. Feel free to ask any questions!
Fishery Science Content - Sea Lice
During winter, fish decrease their activity as the water temperature drops, making them vulnerable to ectoparasites. Common parasitic copepods such as Caligus spp., commonly known as sea lice, are often observed by anglers on spotted seatrout, red drum, black drum, and southern flounder. As the fish rest on the bottom, these parasites attach themselves to their abdomen to feed on their blood and mucus, causing skin lesions (red sores) that increase the risk of infection.
As anglers, these observations highlight the diminished activity levels of fish when water temperatures are cold. By working lures slowly on the bottom, you improve your chance of catching fish by giving them the opportunity to get a quick meal without having to expend a lot of energy.
Replied on Hello AU members,As promised, here is...
Feb 24 at 10:40 AM
I’d just leave them as they tend to get knocked off as the fish become more active.