Curtis Leiker

Richmond, TX, United States

Dec 21 at 07:46 AM

Thank you

Dec 20 at 07:16 PM

Can't wait to listen to it


Dec 19 at 09:38 PM

I usually will fish the Packery jetties om the Bayside there's some sand flats and bars just be careful with the current. Fishing the jetties on the surf side can be really good as well...if you have 4x4 and don't mind driving a few miles off the pavement there's some really good fishing to be had as a walk in over by dead man's hole, and fish pass

Dec 19 at 09:35 PM

That Truth color is freaking money


Dec 19 at 09:15 PM

I run a Texas One Unleashed card in my Simrad and it works awesome. On the reefs I definitely second the reef recon as that us pretty much the only card I've seen that specifically maps out the reefs..